Keynote Speakers | 主旨报告

Keynote Speakers-REPE 2024

Fellow, IEEE
Prof. Mariusz Malinowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Mariusz Malinowski received the Ph.D. degree with honors in Electrical Engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) in 2001. He then attained a habilitation in 2012 and professorship in 2019.

Mariusz Malinowski has been granted the following awards and distinguishments: the Siemens Prize for his PhD thesis in 2002, a Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education award for his contribution to the book Control in Power Electronic in 2003, the Siemens Prize for research achievements in 2007, the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education awards for research achievements in 2008, the Prime Minister of Poland award for habilitation in 2013,  the first prize of the Prime Minister of Poland for his research team in 2017. Moreover, he received the prestigious international IEEE IES David Irwin Early Career Award for “Outstanding research and development of modulation and control for industrial electronics converters” in 2011 (Melbourne, Australia), IEEE IES David Bimal Bose Award for Industrial Electronics Applications in Energy Systems for „Contributions in control of industrial electronics converters applications in energy systems in 2015 (Yokohama, Japan), IEEE IES Anthony J. Hornfeck Service Award for “Outstanding and Meritorious Service to the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society” in 2021 and Power Electronics and Motion Control Istvan Nagy Award “for his outstanding contribution to control in power electronics and for continuous support of PEMC conferences” in 2022.

Mariusz Malinowski has published almost 200 journal and conference papers. He is the author of six patents (two implemented by industry) and co-author of six books.  He has participated in over 20 research and industrial projects (12 in a leader role) and he has been a reviewer and PhD commission member for numerous PhD theses in Germany, Spain, Denmark, Australia, India, Switzerland, Italy and Poland. Mariusz  Malinowski public service include activity in IEEE, where he was Chair of IEEE Poland Section. Mariusz Malinowski is currently junior past President in IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and he has in IEEE highest Fellow status. Moreover Mariusz Malinowski is Vice Reactor for Research at WUT, Member of Polish Academy od Science and Member of Polish Council of Research Ecellence. Mariusz Malinowski participated in the development of technologies which received many prizes e.g. three times the recognition in the competition Polish Product of the Future organized by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), the Grand Prix of TECHNICON, the Gold Medal of Automaticon, the Grand Prix Exhibition of Innovations in Geneva (Gold Medal), the Exhibition in Brussels “Eureco” (Bronze Medal), International Exhibition of Inventions in Warsaw (Silver Medal) and special prize of Polish Ministry of Economy “eCO2 Innovation” for development of ecological innovative product. Mariusz Malinowski was visiting scholar and professor in following institutions: Aalborg University (Denmark), University of Nevada (Reno, USA), Technical University of Berlin (Germany), Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Marıa  (Valparaıso, Chile), University of Cergy-Pontoise (France), ENSEEIHT - Laplace, Toulouse (France) and ETH Zurich (Switzerland). He also cooperate with industry e.g. ABB Corporate Research Center (Poland), PSE Operator (Poland), TWERD (Poland), TRUMPF Huettinger (Poland),  Wave Dragon (Dania), Danfoss Drives (Dania) and Vestas (Dania).

Speech Title: Power electronics and hybrid transformers in distributed energy system - opportunities and challenges

Abstract: The fast development of distributed generation systems (DGS), including an increasing number of renewable energy sources (RES), demands the change of classical grids into smart grids (SG), integrating all new distributed elements, e.g., active loads/sources/energy storages. Currently used conventional transformers cannot fulfill all SG requirements. Therefore, a new solution is needed due to the highly different types of energy sources and loads and the frequent voltage disturbances occurring in DGS. The proposed modern solutions are the applications of multifunctional power electronics, fault-tolerant power electronics, and hybrid transformers that are able not only to meet the main requirements of SG but also respond to the future challenges defined by the constant progress of technology in all new fields (e.g., electromobility, energy store systems, etc.).

Fellow, IEEE
Prof. Xiaorong Xie, Tsinghua University, China

Xiaorong Xie  (Fellow, IEEE and IET) is Professor and Director of the Flexible Transmission and Distribution Systems Research Institute at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China. He has been engaged in research on power system stability analysis and control, sub-synchronous resonance/oscillation, grid integration of renewable energy, and flexible transmission and distribution systems for more than 25 years. His research is supported by China National Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists and National Key Research and Development Programs. He has published 4 monographs, over 300 papers, and more than 70 authorized invention patents, and won 1 National Science and Technology Progress Award and over 10 provincial-level/industry association awards. He is currently serving as Editor of several international journals, including the IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery. He is a member of the IEC TC8/SC8A JWG5, CIGRE WG C4/B4.52 and CIGRE WG C4.49.

Speech Title: New-type Power System Stabilizer for Renewable Powered Systems

Abstract: The multi-time-scale dynamic interaction among "mechanic-electric-magnetic-control" may lead to sustained exchange or even continuous amplification of non-fundamental power energy among "generation-transmission-distribution-storage", further resulting in wide-band oscillation. There remains a scarcity of adaptive damping control technologies and universal suppression devices for wide-band oscillation in renewable powered systems. This talk begin with an overview of research background and status of wide-band oscillation suppression. Then, the mechanism of wide-band oscillation caused by multi-time-scale dynamic interaction is analyzed. Framework of new-type power system stabilizer for electric power system is then proposed. After that, a broad-spectrum identification method for time-varying multi-modal wide-band oscillation characteristics and an adaptive damping control method for dealing with varying operating conditions and oscillation frequency are presented. Lastly, the prototype of new-type power system stabilizer is demonstrated.

Prof. Kai Strunz, Technical University of Berlin, Germany

KAI STRUNZ received the Dr.-Ing. degree (summa cum laude) from Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany. From 1995 to 1997, he was with Brunel University London. From 1997 to 2002, he was with the Division Recherche et Dévelopment of Electricité de France (EDF) in Paris. From 2002 to 2007, he was an Assistant Professor of electrical engineering with the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. Since 2007, he has been a Professor of Sustainable Electric Networks and Sources of Energy with Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), Germany.

Dr. Strunz received the IEEE PES Prize Paper Award, in 2015 and 2023, the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics First Prize Paper Award, in 2015, and the 2020 Best Paper Award in the field of electric machines and drives by IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. He was the Chairperson of the Conference IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, in 2012. He is the Chair of the IEEE PES Committee on Energy Development and Power Generation and the Co-Chair of the IEEE PES Working Group on Dynamic Performance and Modeling of HVDC Systems and Power Electronics for Transmission Systems. On behalf of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), he acted as the Review Editor of the Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation. He is a section editor of IET’s The Journal of Engineering.

Speech Title: Overlay Multi-Terminal HVDC Network (OVANET): Acceptance-friendly Power Transmission for Large-Scale Renewable Power Integration

Abstract: The large-scale integration of wind and solar power relies on a grid that allows for the renewable electric power to securely reach the load centers. In the concept OVANET (overlay network) this is realized through a multi-terminal DC network that is developed as an overlay to the existing AC grid. The connections are made with modular multi-level converters (MMCs). As the resulting integrated AC-DC grid may stretch across multiple countries and therefore also diverse transmission system operator (TSO) control areas, it is important that a desired degree of data privacy and autonomy within those areas is preserved. This is made possible by the proposed distributed AC-DC power flow optimization based on a modified fully parallel Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM). The formulated local physical consensus constraints for boundary variables at the locations of tearing only rely on exchange of information with immediate neighbors. Beyond the distributed optimization, a method of contingency analysis is introduced to perform contingency analysis. The contingency analysis makes use of novel sensitivity factors and optimization that allow for the fast identification and relief of security issues. The effectiveness of the methods is illustrated by case studies. Social acceptance of OVANET is boosted by allowing the transmission lines to share corridors with other transport infrastructures such as motorways, thus leading to a combination of infrastructures.

Prof. Xinjing Zhang, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Xinjing Zhang, Ph.D, Professor, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was elected as Beijing Municipal Distinguished Young Scholar, Beijing Nova Program Member. He is the Deputy Secretary General of International Energy Storage Alliance. He is also the Guest Supervisor for North China Electric Power University, Hohai University. His research interest includes R&D of large scale Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), energy storage with renewable energy, distributed energy storage, micro-grid with energy storage, etc.

He has been Principle Investigator of over 10 research projects including three grants of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He is the author / co-author of over 90 academic papers. Dr. Zhang has applied over 40 patents, 9 of which were transferred to industries with Dr. Zhang as the first inventor. He has organized/co-organized over 10 international conferences, acted as Co-organizing Chair / Organizing committee member, session Chair, etc.

Speech Title: Research Progress of the Dynamic Control Strategy of Compressed Air Energy Storage System

Abstract: Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is an effective solution for future high penetration of renewable generations. Various types of CAES technologies are developed including adiabatic CAES (ACAES), isothermal CAES (ICAES), liquid air energy storage (LAES), supercritical CAES (SC-CAES), underwater CAES (UWCAES), and CAES coupled with other technologies. The principles and configurations of these advanced CAES technologies are briefed. Comparison and discussion of all these CAES technologies are summarized in terms of technical maturity, power sizing, storage capacity, operation pressure, roundtrip efficiency, components’ efficiency, operation duration, invested cost, etc.

The CAES system has to be operated dynamically to manage the imbalance between renewable generations and electricity demand. Moreover, the compressed air is usually stored in the isochoric vessel or carven. Thus, the power output and operation pressure have to be adjusted and controlled accordingly. These technologies that adjust and regulate the air flow are reviewed and summarized, which are throttling valve control, ejector, guided vane adjustment, switching expansion reducing and some others. The characteristics and effect to the CAES system are also discussed.

A new method of Switching Expansion Reduction (SER) was proposed to manage the power fluctuation. A thermodynamic modelling of a 10 MW CAES system with thermal storage integrated pressure control unit was established. The discharging process of TS-CAES system based on SER was proposed, which was effective for control accuracy and exergy loss comparing with throttle reduction. Modellings were development and validated by experimental results. Taking 10MW TS-CAES discharging system as an example, the operation law and control method of the simulation unit are investigated under the dynamic application background of participating in secondary frequency modulation service. The dynamic control strategy under off-design operation conditions of CAES was revealed. While, the exergy destruction was calculated, which was smaller than throttle valve-only configuration. The optimized parameters of this SER configuration were also studied.


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